Workbench Upgrades

Had a chance to work on a few upgrades for the shop workbench today. I glued up backer boards to mount my grinder on when I’m not using it and to keep it out of the way. I’m waiting on some slides for a computer drawer I started to install yesterday. Halfway thru the mockup one of the slides shit the bed and dumped ball bearings all over the floor. Amazon to the rescue!

Oh n 8″ Dobb telescope? Yes Please!!

Amazon boxes have been showing up at an alarming rate, I really need to check my “Buy Now” finger when I’m surfing Amazon!:) This year we have thrown frugality to the wind and have gone all in to make this one of the most materialistic Christmases we have had in many year! As many are doing due to the Rona. Thanks China.. Ya Fucks!!

Oh and I ran a 10k this morning cuz well, why not!! I’m not setting land speed records, but I am seeing body weights I have not seen since 1995. It was way past time to stop the ol’man skid and put some life units back on the clock!

Author: sieg

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